Profit Distribution Policy

Our company distributes profit in the frame of the article relating to profit distribution of the Turkish Trade Law, the Tax Law, and of our Articles of Incorporation.

In profit distribution, observing a balanced and consistent policy between shareholders and beneficiaries in line with the Corporate Management Principles is our essential principle.

“For the duration that the article related to profit distribution of legal regulations and our Articles of Association and that the financial feasibilities provide, the cash distribution of the calculated, distributable periodic profit to those with at least a 5% stake, taking into consideration the market expectations, our long-term company strategy and our company’s capital needs, investment and financial decisions, profitability, and cash reserve situation,” has been accepted as the principle.

In the frame of the 15th article of our Articles of Association, as long as primary legal reserves from pre-taxed profit, financial obligations, and contingency reserves that need to be separated according to the Turkish Trade Law are not separated, shares of profit cannot be distributed.

With the exception of a decision taken in an Regular General Board meeting, profit distribution being done no later than one month following the meeting has been assumed as a principle.